
Bad comments? Mark as Spam

Having this blog – and the ensuing comments – got me thinking. Should I be deleting comments or marking them as Spam and leaving them? My first reaction was, yuck! Some of the comments are a bunch of tasteless words. Most seem to be in Russian. I suppose if I was really curious I could copy them into Google Translate, but ‘ain’t nobody got time for that.’

I found this excellent blog post from Lorelle.Wordpress.com – https://lorelle.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/do-not-delete-comment-spam-mark-spam-as-spam/ that addresses this very issue. The bottom line – mark them as spam and leave them. I did set up my blog with the recommended Akismet WordPress Plugin.

Of course, once I read this post, I see that there are a lot of informative topics on Lorelle’s site, so I’m diving into more learning. Despite the fact that posts on my own site go back a number of years, they were transferred from more basic (and simple) sites such as Weebly. Now that I’m figuring out WordPress, I want to do this right. So off I go, into learning mode!

Postscript: This is funny; as soon as I posted, I got a spam comment. It’s been marked as spam.

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