I wrote a post on a different site many years ago about my hobby of categorizing ed tech tools and strategies. I made up the title, Taxonomy as Extreme Sport. The original site was created with my HS in mind; however, I decided to make my writing and categories more universal by putting them under my own name or social media username, computermorah.
My new resource site is http://www.computermorah.com and it contains Google Tools, Ed Tech Tools, Educational Theory, Strategies and more.

The image that I found to illustrate my site was The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis. You can find the original at https://www.briansolis.com/2008/08/introducing-conversation-prism-html/.
The problem with trying to classify everything is it’s impossible to classify everything. I ran out of steam on my first incarnation of this. If you really want to take a look, it still exists at http://tbyresources.pbworks.com/. I’m keeping it active because I know there is some excellent content on the site and I’ll probably at some point amalgamate it with the new site. However, since I started this labour of love back in 2014, some of the resources and sites have closed down. It’s the internet. ? You should see what’s in the Google Graveyard! https://killedbygoogle.com/